Monday, October 31, 2011

Photos - in reverse order for some reason

Rove 2011

My congratulations must firstly go to all those riders who successfully completed the Rove on Saturday. Some had to dig deeper than others, but we (nearly) all crossed the line. Secondly to those stoic riders (John, Tim and Scottish Steve) who avoided the temptation to get into a cool, comfortably seated car at DWP and continued to Mindarie. That last 50km must have been tough. Well done guys. And thirdly to John P for all of the time and effort he put into Rove this year – many hours work behind the scenes to make it so seamless. My name may have been attached to the event but in all honesty if not for John we would still be cycling around Halls Head.

A special thanks to the drivers of the support vehicles aka camera crew and dinner partners. You made the two days a lot more pleasurable. Hopefully some of you will be inspired to join the ride next year.

I personally had a great time – other than the total frustration of getting lost near Mandurah. We did however, notwithstanding the slight detour, eventually find our way to lunch. The weather generally played along – despite Bruce’s thoughts as to my forecasting talents (or lack thereof). We would always have a cross wind at some point with the route we take. By the time we started from Bunbury the worst of the easterly winds had passed. Not too hot, not too cold, just right as far as the rest went. I thought the average speed of close to 30kph was a great effort, as was the esprit de corps.

For next year I would be tempted to try a 250km ride from, for example, Busselton to DWP. Or would that be from Mindarie to Bunbury? Any takers?

My only regret is that we did not get more riders outside of the BFJ / PCS groups. It was not for lack of trying and the website had nearly 1 400 hits but no entries were generated. Too far, too fast, long weekend? Please let us know what you think the reasons could be and we will try and address this for next year.

See you in 2012, if not sooner.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rove Maps



Make sure you get to Mindarie by 6:30pm to cheer on the 300Kers (and stay for a beer)

Good luck to all !!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Rove warm up continues this Saturday...

Weather Forecast for Saturday: 6:30am Winds 22 knots ENE, then 20 down to 16 knots NE for the remainder of the morning....SO - a tail-wind heading South!

If you want to ride, but can't make the start and prefer to join in along the way.... Here's the course:-

6:30am Start - Currambine (Oscars) - Heading South on coast road, kiss the river.....then the freeway to Mandurah



Freo Bridge

Around River (south-side: following Great Perth Bike Ride course)

Canning Bridge / Deep Water Point (60k)

Freeway > Mandurah (65k)

Coffee on the foreshore, Mandurah (10:30am)

Chu-chu train ride back to Currambine (unless you want to cycle)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

ROVE "TRAIN" ing - Sunday 4th

Rove goers (and their friends) are invited to a “Training” ride this Sunday the 4th Sept.

Take the TRAIN down to Mandurah for a flat straight ride along the luxurious freeway cycle-path heading North; back to Currambine.

Mandurah Station to Currambine Station is exactly 100k

· The train to Mandurah, to arrive on time, leaves Currambine @ 6:50am or City @ 7:20am (

· The convoy leaves Mandurah Station at 8:20am

· I water stop for 5-10 mins at Thomas Road (Shell Station) which is approximately 30k South of the City (or half way)

· Exit Perth City = 72k...

· Or follow the meandering Cycle path North to Currambine Station for the 100k

· ETA Currambine: 12:00 - Just in time for a Fathers day lunchtime lemonade!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Rove...

Hi all,

For those Rovers Busselton bound (or Bunbury overnighters), there couldn't be a better opening tip & message, than to say "get your accommodation booked NOW"

The long weekend of the 28th-30th Oct appears to be having the usual effect on the average Perth-ite, thus the ensuing exodus means that little ol’ places like Bunbers and Busso will be ‘packed to the rafters’….. Book NOW or be prepared to leave Perth at 5:45am to make the Bunbury start line on time!